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Price from MYR 26.95
MYR 24.50
4.5 (0 reviews)
4 booked
Kuala Lumpur
No Tickets Currently Available.
An Ocean of Discovery in the Heart of the City Located in the center of Kuala Lumpur’s ‘Golden Triangle’ beneath the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, aquariaKLCC is a state-of-the-art oceanarium, showcasing over 5,000 different aquatic and land-bound creatures in their natural habitats within a sprawling 60,000 square-foot space. Featuring a 90-metre transparent tunnel walkway, our Living Ocean exhibit brings visitors face-toface with over 7 different species of sharks including Sand Tiger sharks, Giant Stingrays, Marine turtles and shoals of other fishes. Visitors are taken on a journey of discovery learning about the diverse biosphere found in Malaysia and the regions beyond, from jungle streams and mangroves, to costal shores and deepest oceans.
Seng Han Liew 2021-07-02
5 star rating comment, good value product.
5 star rating comment, good value product.